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Hamzah Farooqi
Class of 2021

My name is Hamzah Farooqi and I am a member of the Nemesis Build Team. I’m a senior and this is my second year on the team, so I’m excited to have the opportunity to be a part of this wonderful team. I am glad to be a part of the build team because I’ve always been interested in engineering and love to partake in various opportunities when presented to me. Although I have taken various engineering classes in high school, I am eager to take advantage of the hands-on experience that being on Nemesis offers.

Outside of robotics, I participate in a variety of different clubs, such as Model UN and Science Olympiad. I’m also a part of our Cross Country and Track and Field team. Moreover, I love to run recreationally outside of sports, whether it is by myself or with friends. During school I like taking science and engineering courses because I genuinely enjoy the challenges they present. Outside of school, I like watching movies, listening to music and reading books. I am particularly invested in the movies in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and am a huge fan of Marvel in general.

Generally, I like to find ways to improve myself and my skills, and I’m excited to see how Nemesis will help me in that endeavor. I am enthusiastic about all the experiences, good or bad, I can gain from this team. Whether it is making new friends, learning more about robotics, or just learning general lessons I can’t wait to see where Nemesis leads me. I am looking forward to a wonderful season.

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