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Nikhil Kohli
Class of 2023

Hi, my name is Nikhil Kohli and am a junior on Nemesis 2590's build team. Last year was my first year, but it was virtual. This year I am excited to have a full normal robotics season and be able to experience it properly. I enjoy the problem solving and creative thinking in robotics and I hope to help the team succeed this year.

Outside of Nemesis, in school I enjoy physics and math as my favorite classes. I also love to do art: drawing, acrylics, watercolor, sketching, ect. Another one of by hobbies is to cook; every year I cook the entire thanksgiving dinner expect for the greenbean casserole. Lastly, I really enjoy playing tennis and I play for the school team. Last year I was on varsity and it was also my first year of tennis since it was canceled due to Covid when I was a freshman.

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