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Shreyas Aryah
Class of 2024

My name is Shreyas Aryah, and I’m a senior at Robbinsville High School. After participating for three years on the build/strategy team, I can confidently say that this experience has been surreal and has taught me many beneficial skills and techniques to be utilized in the future. With the upperclassmen and mentors lending support, I was able to learn about advanced robotic engineering and most importantly, how to collaborate efficiently with a team. Even though I pursue my interest in engineering through other electives, the experience that Nemesis left me with was far more exciting, interesting, and engaging. 

Apart from robotics, I am most interested in physics, math, and computer science as I aspire to major in a STEM-related field. I also participate in various sports inside and outside of school such as cricket, tennis, and ping pong.

I am eager to see where my Nemesis journey will take me throughout the next couple of years!

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